Stayed up all yesterday with no naps, aiming to do the same today. Feeling better but thats partly because my last injection was six days ago, sadly this means that my next one is tomorrow so I'm concerned how that will be (2 down, 46 to go). Generally the side effects get worse over the first 10 weeks and you start to perk up after then (about the time your hair starts falling out). They gave me a box of condoms because any babies I make while I'm on this stuff have a high chance of birth defects, funny in its way - I'd need a prosthetic implant to raise a smile. My skin is drying out and getting rashy, the nurse recommended a really good soothing lotion that works well, the receipt from the chemist added insult - "Hand relief $12.50" - ha! not even!
Other things have been fun, got my kid's wee half brother staying for a week, was able to introduce a new generation the the joys of 'the Goodies', does anyone remember the goodies? or am I just too old? I'm reading the Mole People, its a slightly overblown and thickly padded study of the communities that live in the tunnels below New York city.
Still here.
Oh yes...oh YES....I was brought up on the goodies, my parents were overly consumed with them (in my mind) and I couldnt work out why...until....years later......it wasnt the "Goodies" it was the close proximity of everything "natural" including tabacco... that made me think they were mad whilst they laughed hysterically and I cringed embarassed...grins
Ahh the goodies...
Hang in there what about the "Goon Show"? Spike Milligan? that was another attempt at bringing my childhood down...chuckles.... Though I dont think YOU are old enough for that...fortunately..
I like Spike!!! I'm not old!
never heard of any of them...and I am old....lol
take care
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