The highlight of the day was while marking our mock tests with Junior Pinstripe the teenage company man. He told her she had a question wrong, she was not having it, proved herself right, & humbly but determinedly extracted an acknowledgement & retraction from the little snot. Her self-satisfaction was gorgeous but she didn't gloat at all, just sweetly turned to the next question. Next question she got wrong - out & out wrong. Mortified now, she actually pulled her roll neck jumper (a modest wee dresser in general) up over her head & made embarrassed noises in her southland accent. I gave her an avuncular rub on the shoulder, pleased that Commander BadIdea didn't even roll over in his sleep. None-the-less the sight of a chagrined woman always improves my day. Spoiled immediately by the reptilian sneer on the face of Pinstp Jnr. At least he's sure to be utterly cunt-whipped by his fiance (who he mentions roughly every 90mins), and his Mum (with whom he's moved back in with to save a deposit for a house).
Then parent teacher meetings: the Spanish teacher is seriously hot (& the sprog doing good in class), english teacher was singularly unprepossessing, bore a nose permanently wrinkled - suggestive of making the best of a bad situation (but the sprog is doing good in class).
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