A better day at the farm. No sign of bossgirl (must find out what she does so I can invent a pretext to talk to her about it). rHR a delight as ever, I can afford to really appreciate how cute she is now that I've decided shes too young to hae. Two other hot chicks there too. Recuritment looks good. Not to mention the stunning Samoan girl who's wing I'll be under for my first week on the floor. She looks a laugh - told me I'm on a warning when I mispronounced her name. Not tall but solid, a netball player for sure, uncharted territory.
Been to my daughter's drama class production, being a proud dad coz my child has stage presence. My horny nephew was there too even though he didnt have to be and he'd gone to some effort to get there on an unpleasant night. I asked him how come? & he smiled & gazed at a young actress and sniffed loudly - she looked, only for an instant then back to her textphone, enchanting smirk from nephew. So very cool, I love kids (not in a creepy way) but I'm glad (& sad) that my one will leave at some point in the next 3-5yrs or so. I wouldn't be a teenager again though, I'm proud of getting through 43+ years of this without . . . whatever. I could have messed things up much worse. No sign of her mum - ratbag.
Got 2 CDS at lunchtime (the peril of a 60, rather than 30, min, lunchbreak):The Who - Who's next? now the soundtrack to a DNA saga (CSI?) but an album that one of my big brothers had when I was a nipper. Also Buddy Holly - a standard compilation but with 'brown-eyed handsome man' on it. Both I've had in the past or still have on LP (long-players!). They will go in the section labeled 'Old Man Music', next to 'bedwetter rock' section - james blunt, coldplay, etc.
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