Saturday, May 12, 2007

PixelThief PetNapper

Here's a Man Ray photo, it think its of that major '20's muse & art chick who's name I cant remember. The time & place its from is where I'd run away to given a time machine & a blank cheque. But I'd probably get run over by a futureist on my first day. Man Ray was cool.
Stayed again with my pa last night (another day started with a cup of cowboy coffee delivered on wobbly legs), he watched rugby, the sprog had visitors (don't say 'party') at home. I suspect some kind of mischief but nothing that wouldn't have happened anyway in a bus shelter or parked car anyway. Its all best (or, at least, least worst) guess, & hoping for best (or, at least, least worst) outcome.
I photographed the cat most of the night - I'd post them but he's firmly declined to paw-print the release form.

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