Friday, May 18, 2007

Commander BadIdea Smile

Thats better, the weekend. IN PRAISE OF FRIDAYS, bless em. Last friday, for instance, was the day we three inductees got out desks & stuff. Little girl rHS was briefly struck dumb when shown the statonery & copy room. Only briefly speechless she asked if she could have a holepunch and was told yes, just help yourself & sign for it. She then asked; if she could have some scissors, if she could swap her holepunch for a red one, & how many different types of post-its she could have. Christmas dawning as the answer to the first question was repeated three times. I got her the biggest box I could find to put it all in.
Back at our desks (I'm in a semi-circle with her & pinstripeJr.) she unpacked and arranged like a bride with her wedding presents, highlighters & notepads set out for the good future. She was crestfallen at the discovery that the pod walls were steel so her map-pins were useless but giggled when I pointed out some people had fridge magnets.
Spoke at the weekend with the beloved ex about how cute & young it seemed, she looked at me like the moron I am & said "its not coz shes young: girls are always like that".
This friday good too. They give us booze & snacks after work on friday. Sudden Homer Simpson sense of loyalty for employer. rHS had a thimble of white wine and enthused about going to stay with her granny this weekend. The sprog is out with a mate or the night, getting regular texts assuring me of propriety. Ran through her fallout boy song on the bass once before they went out at my insistence. The CD is quite witty & self-aware, I was expecting a more challenging listen.


Anonymous said...

Ok....that picture is very Johnny Depp..... raises eyebrows to the skys again...... dont tell me it is you stagger....

The Libertine

springs to mind


Anonymous said...

Oh and just in case you have not heard of The Libertine, you may enjoy fact I go so far to be presumptious and say you will enjoy it...:

The story of John Wilmot (Depp), a.k.a. the Earl of Rochester, a 17th century poet who famously drank and debauched his way to an early grave, only to earn posthumous critical acclaim for his life's work

In 1660, with the return of Charles II to the English throne, theater, the visual arts, science and sexual intercourse flourish.

Thirteen years later, in the middle of political and economical problems, Charles II asks the return of his friend John Wilmot, aka the second Earl of Rochester, from the exile to London. John is a morally corrupt, drunkard and sexually active cynical poet, and the King asks him to prepare a play for the French ambassador to make him pleased. John meets the aspirant actress Elizabeth Barry in the playhouse and decides to make her a great star. He falls in love for her, and she becomes his mistress; during the presentation to the Frenchman, he falls in disgrace in the court. When he was thirty-three years old, he was dying of syphilis associated to alcoholism and he converted to a religious man....

staGGer said...

johny depp? funny. I'm trying to take my photo every day at the moment. Too much time on my hands. Constructing personas to photograph. A kind of Cindy Sherman thing. Any suggestions?

staGGer said...

will check out The Libertine. Not heard of it.